Flooding in Kendal in 2015 due to Storm Desmond
Flooding in Kendal in 2015 due to Storm Desmond

Climate Action: Who’s doing what?

A quick guide to groups and organisations in South Lakes, Cumbria and beyond that are taking action on climate change.

(With thanks to Richard Thompson)

Community-based groups:

Ambleside Action for a Future


Ambleside Action for a Future is a network of local residents working together to mitigate climate and environmental breakdown and build community resilience to provide mutual emotional and practical support in the face of the worsening effects of climate breakdown.

Burneside Community Energy


Burneside Community Energy (BCE) Ltd is a community benefit society set up in November 2015 to support the development of community owned renewable energy and low carbon projects in Burneside and the surrounding area. BCE is wholly owned by its members, most of whom live locally. Since 2015, BCE has installed 998.5kW of solar panels on the roofs of buildings belonging to James Cropper PLC in Burneside. The electricity generated via these panels is sold to James Cropper. All profits derived from this are used to fund local community projects.

Kendal Futures


Kendal Futures is a public/private sector partnership created out of the desire to make Kendal a better place for businesses to operate and for people of working age to live and work. It produced Kendal Vision, launched September 2019: https://www.kendalfutures.co.uk/inspiration-for-change-in-kendal/

Residents are now being invited to join Vision Action Groups on transport and getting around and placemaking (landscape and environment). Dates and times of meetings are on the website.

South Lakes Action on Climate Change


The aim of South Lakes Action on Climate Change Towards Transition (SLACCtt) is to address the twin issues of climate change and peak oil within the area by decreasing the dependence of the community on fossil fuels, lowering carbon emissions and by building a stronger, resilient community that is able to be more independent in areas such as foodenergytransporthealthcare and economics.

Sustainable Staveley


A sustainability and energy network in Staveley (SENS) working on green energy projects, sustainable transport and the Clean River Kent Campaign.


Cumbrian climate bodies:

Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS)


Cumbria’s climate change and sustainability organisation, based in Penrith, offering independent advice and services, including:

  • Cold to Cosy Homes programme
  • Calculate your carbon footprint
  • Advice on solar, heat pumps, and government grant support
  • Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership

Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership


LEPs are business-led partnerships between local authorities and the private sector whose role is to determine local economic priorities and undertake activities to drive economic growth and the creation of jobs.  CLEP recognises that climate change is a threat to our future. To achieve the target of being carbon neutral by 2050, we must all take responsibility and play our part to achieve a significant reduction in our emissions.

Cumbria Wildlife Trust


Standing up for wildlife. Also hosts the Cumbria Local Nature Partnership.


Council and public bodies:

Cumbria County Council

Environment, Planning – Climate Change | Cumbria County Council

Useful summary – with links to supporting information – on CCC’s work on climate change and how you can get involved.

Cumbria Transport Infrastructure Plan 2022-2037 Cumbria Transport Infrastructure Plan

Sets out plans to decarbonise transport networks.

Consulted on cycling and walking provision in Kendal, 2021:


Lakes Line electrification announced 2014, £16m promised – plans scrapped by Conservative Government in 2017. Electrification is included as an objective in the Cumbria Transport Infrastructure Plan.

Kendal Town Council

Kendal Town Council Action Plan on Climate Change 2021/22:


Kendal Citizens’ Jury on Climate Change recommendations:


Zero Carbon Kendal – Zero Carbon Kendal

Maps people and projects in Kendal working on carbon reduction.

20 mph study for Kendal. January 2021: Town Council gave full support, including setting aside a capital sum, and sought support from the County Council whose decision it would be on arterial roads. CCC considering the proposals (late March/April 2022).


Lake District National Park

LDNP Five Year Plan, adopted November 2021 Outcome 2: Climate action https://www.lakedistrict.gov.uk/caringfor/lake-district-national-park-partnership/management-plan/climate-action

Go car-free in Cumbria this summer (2021) https://www.visitlakedistrict.com/blog/read/2021/08/go-car-free-and-care-free-in-cumbria-this-summer-b110

Campaign for National Parks: making car-free travel easier https://www.cnp.org.uk/sites/default/files/uploadsfiles/National_Parks_car-free_travel_HIRESDPS.pdf

South Lakeland District Council

SLDC Climate Change Action Plan 2021:


Barrow-in-Furness Borough Council

In March this year, the Furness Citizens’ Jury on Climate Change delivered its report, with 32 recommendations.


Beyond Cumbria:

Energy Saving Trust


An independent national organisation, offering a wide range of advice and help.

Local Energy North West Hub


Local Energy North West Hub is a regional programme to promote investment in energy projects, which works with public sector organisations to improve the business case for their energy schemes. It can help direct local businesses to available funding for clean energy solutions. Links to the Rural Community Energy Fund.

Climate Emergency UK

Council Climate Score Cards: check out the independent scoring of our councils’ climate change action plans and compare them with other UK councils:

About | Council Climate Scorecards



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