South Lakes Labour Westmorland & Lonsdale Constituency Labour Party

Saturday 31st July 2021
Join Dr Virginia Branney to celebrate the lives and political work of Westmorland women, from suffragists of the late 19th century to activists of recent times. Her talk will feature outstanding local women who campaigned for the vote, peace and social justice, and also some well-known radical women who visited or settled in the county.
The talk starts at 4.30pm and will end at 6pm.
This is an all ticket event, and will be held on Zoom. Tickets must be booked using the Eventbrite platform via the link below and cost £4.90, and there are 100 tickets available in total. Proceeds will go to CLP funds.
Once you have booked and paid we will send you the Zoom joining details by email (please do not share these with anyone else).
You will need one ticket per connected device, so if you are a couple attending by sharing a connection on the same computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone, you will only need one ticket not one each.
Ticket link: